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Note: We are an online store only. We do not offer pickups.
PO Box 167
North Island
New Zealand
0800 424 377
021 0271 5577

Chess Demo Boards

Chess demonstration boards (also called demo boards) are primarily used by chess coaches and teachers. With the wall hanging orientation the chess position being taught can be viewed by the entire class. 

The 65cm demo boards are mostly suitable for classes of up to 25 students.

  • Slotted Demo Board - 65cm (Red & Black pieces)
    The Slotted Style Chess Demonstration Set is the most economical way to conduct teaching, group analyzing, and displaying tournament chess games in progress.
    NZ$ 79.00
    NZ$ 71.10
  • Pouch Demo Board - 67cm (Yellow & Brown pieces)
    The Pouch Style Chess Demonstration Set is extremely easy to use, quick to set up and change positions. The perfect companion for teaching chess ideas and conducting game analysis.
    NZ$ 79.00
    NZ$ 71.10
  • Large Pouch Demo Board - 91cm (Yellow & Brown pieces)

    The Pouch Style Chess Demonstration Set is the most economical way to conduct teaching, group analyzing, and displaying tournament chess games for larger groups and for beginner students.

    NZ$ 125.00
    NZ$ 112.50

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