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Contact Details

Note: We are an online store only. We do not offer pickups.
PO Box 167
North Island
New Zealand
0800 424 377
021 0271 5577

About this site

Chess City provides high quality Chess merchandise for the NZ market - chess sets, clocks, gifts and a lot more!

Chess City is run by Chess Power. Chess Power is an exciting company that encourages children to play and enjoy Chess. The team at Chess Power recognise learning and playing Chess has a number of benefits for kids. We started Chess City to provide the equipment kids need to learn chess well.

We provide chess equipment for schools and we have special bulk discounts for schools.

Our clocks are sourced from the world's leading provider of digital game technology, DGT.

Our tournament chess set is the set that Chess Power uses for all their chess tournaments. We use this set because it has been built to last, it is virtually unbreakable, easy to recognise the pieces, has high contrast colours and is even washable! We have magnetic chess sets for travelling. And we have an amazing product we build ourselves from the ground up - it is called X-Chess. X-Chess is super-charged chess.

And our cool stuff - well it is just really cool. Awesome badges, colourful rating wristbands and of course the Chess Champs Legends card game which we created.

At Chess City, we are always on the lookout for awesome Chess products that help kids learn so we will be busy adding new products that we think are worthwhile. If you find something you think we should sell, please contact us and let us know!

Please be aware that we run this site just to help people out. It is not profitable and we run it on a part-time basis. For this reason, you should allow at least 7 days for shipping.

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Phone: 0800 424 377 New Zealand

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